The Virginia Stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) Clearinghouse is a website established to provide access to the following information:
- Design standards and specifications of stormwater BMPs approved for post-construction use in Virginia to control the quality of stormwater runoff.
- Virginia Runoff Reduction Method (VRRM) instructions and associated VRRM Excel spreadsheets.
- Guidance that describes a process for approving manufactured treatment devices (MTDs), also known as proprietary BMPs, for use in Virginia for quality treatment of stormwater.
- Links to websites for those who must comply with Virginia Stormwater Management Law and Regulations.
The BMP Clearinghouse is jointly administered by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Virginia Water Resources Research Center (VWRRC) at Virginia Tech. The DEQ has developed the content on this site to assist those who must comply with Virginia Stormwater Management Law and Regulations. The VWRRC manages this website as part of its efforts to disseminate new water resources information and facilitate the application and transfer of new technologies.